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We all know sunlight is an amazing thing, and people will put a lot of effort into harnessing every drop with beautiful glazing such as bi-folding or sliding doors. But if these aren't working properly, they can turn from an eye-catching feature to an eye watering nightmare.


With years of experience in service and installation Doorveloper’s engineers can get your doors and windows back to full working order.


In our experience most aluminium glazing can be restored to full working order with a one-time service visit and as long as everything is done 100% correctly it will last for many years to come.

A lot of issues are usually due to well-meaning but inexperienced installers or just the general settling of the doors/windows over time.

In both of these situations most of the work has been completed to a perfectly acceptable standard, it is just the all too important final adjustments that have been done incorrectly. This finishing finesse is something we pride ourselves on here at Doorveloper, and with a bit of care and attention we find that we can resolve most issues at the first visit.


But occasionally there are deeper issues at hand, and if this is the case, we can diagnose the issue and fully restore your glazing to its full working potential, sourcing any parts necessary to complete the job.


So, if you've had a door that hasn't worked properly since day 1 or has issues showing themselves further down the line and the installers either don't care or aren’t around anymore, Doorveloper can help.

All systems covered, but don't panic if you don't know what door or window you have.

With just a few photos or a quick site visit we can find out what system you have and how to mend it for you.

Get in contact or visit our GET A QUOTE page to see how we can help you

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