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Sliding patio door repair

With years of experience repairing all makes and types of sliding door including Schuco and Smarts (the U.K’s 2 most popular door systems) Doorveloper can help you repair your sliding patio doors whatever the issue may be.


Sliding doors are relatively simple in their design with just an outer frame and sashes sliding on a track and roller system, which means if you are experiencing problems there are only a few places the problem could be.


Our trained technicians can easily diagnose the issue and either fix the problem on site or identify replacement parts needed to repair any problem.

We have suppliers for replacement parts for all major sliding patio doors and can easily source parts for the slightly rarer models.


If you don’t know what make your door is don’t worry, we have a full catalogue of all aluminium door and window systems and can identify what door you have and know exactly where to get the parts for it.


All repair work includes a full service and is fully guaranteed

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